Meaning: To reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; lessen.Synonyms: Decline, Diminish, Shrink.
Related Words:
compress, condense, constrict, contract;evaporate, fade (away), fritter (away), melt(away), peter (out), tail (off), vanish; slacken, slow(down); alleviate, relax; flag, sink, weaken; cave (in),collapse, deflate.
Antonyms: Accumulate, Mushroom, Swell.
Sentence: However as the weather front moved through the wind abated and with it came sunshine and a changing wind direction.
Meaning: Being out of ordinary.
Synonyms: Abnormal, anomalous, Peculiar, Uncustomary.
Related Words:
conspicuous, notable, noticeable,outstanding, prominent, remarkable, salient, triking;bizarre, deviant, eccentric, freakish, monstrous, oddball,outlandish, quaint, strange, weird; incomprehensible,inconceivable, incredible, unimaginable, unthinkable.
Antonyms: Natural, Normal, Standard.
Sentence: This was a year of aberrant weather-record rainfall in summer, record heat in autumn.
Synonyms: deep freeze, doldrums,dormancy, holding pattern, latency, moratorium,quiescence, suspended animation, suspense.
Related Words:
Related Words:
inaction, inertia, inertness,motionlessness; impasse, standstill; coma, hibernation,hypnosis, repose, rest, sleep, slumber, torpor; recess,recession, remission; downtime, idleness, layoff.
Antonyms: continuation.Sentence: our weekend plans were held in abeyance until we could get a weather forecast
Related Words:
avoid, elude, evade, lose, shun; decamp,depart, elope, exit, go, leave, move, pull out, quit, sally(forth), shove (off), take off, walk out; disentangle,extricate; bring off, emancipate, enfranchise, free,liberate, loose, loosen, manumit, redeem, release, rescue,spring, unbind, uncage, unchain, unfetter
Antonyms: abide, dwell, hang around, linger, remain,stay, stick around, tarry; come back, return
Sentence: The driver of the car then absconded from the vehicle after the terrible accident.
Meaning: moderate, esp. in eating and drinking; temperate.
Synonyms: abstinent, continent, self-abnegating, self-denying, sober, temperate
Related Words:
ascetic (also ascetical), austere;disciplined, self-controlled, self-disciplined, self-governed
Antonyms: abide, dwell, hang around, linger, remain,stay, stick around, tarry; come back, return
2. abstemious personal habits, he was endlessly generous to his students.
Meaning: to criticize (someone) usually gently so as to correct a fault.
Related Words:
berate, castigate, chew out, dress down,flay, harangue, jaw, keelhaul, lambaste (or lambast),lecture, rail (at or against), rate, scold, score, upbraid;abuse, assail, attack, bad-mouth, blame, blast, censure,condemn, criticize, crucify, denounce, dis (also diss)[slang], excoriate, fault, knock, lash, pan, reprehend,slam; belittle, deprecate, disparage, minimize, mock, put down; deride, ridicule, scoff, scorn.
Mommy puts Sammy down while gently admonishing her to be more careful, Sammy totally ignores Mommy's warning.
1. To make impure by adding extraneous, improper, or inferior ingredients.
2. relating to or being a sexual encounter or relationship between a married person and someone other than their spouse
Related Words:
unclarified, unfiltered, unrefined; befouled,begrimed, bemired, besmirched, corrupted, debased,defiled, dirtied, fouled, maculate (or maculated), soiled,spoiled, sullied; blended, commingled, incorporated,intermingled, intermixed, merged, mingled, mixed;coalesced, combined, compounded; cheapened, doctored.
Antonyms: fine, pure, ultrapure, unadulterated, unalloyed,uncontaminated, uncut, undiluted, unmixed, unpolluted,untainted
1. the pharmacist was convicted of selling adulterate drugs in order to maximize profits.
2. caught red-handed in what he claimed was his first adulterate encounter.
Meaning: very pleasing to look at, artistic.
Related Words:
alluring, appealing, charming, cunning,delightful, engaging, fascinating, glamorous (alsoglamourous), prepossessing; elegant, exquisite, glorious,Junoesque, magnificent, resplendent, splendid,statuesque, sublime, superb; flawless, perfect, radiant;dainty, delicate; personable, pleasant, presentable;chocolate-box, prettyish; desirable, dishy, dollish, foxy,hot, luscious, nubile, pulchritudinous, seductive, sexy,tasty, toothsome, yummy.
Antonyms: grotesque, hideous, homely, ill-favored, plain,ugly, unaesthetic, unattractive, unbeautiful, uncomely,uncute, unhandsome, unlovely, unpleasing, unpretty,unsightly
an aesthetic arrangement of the floral decorations.
Meaning: a complete amount of something.
Related Words:
Meaning: cheerful readiness to do something.
Synonyms: amenability, gameness, goodwill, obligingness,willingness
Related Words:
celerity, quickness, rapidity, speed,speediness, swiftness; dispatch, promptitude,promptness; ardor, avidity, eagerness, enthusiasm,exuberance, fervor, gusto, keenness, relish, zeal, zest;agreeableness, geniality, good-naturedness, heartiness,warmth; open-mindedness, receptiveness, receptivity,responsiveness
Antonyms: leisureliness, pokiness, slowness,sluggishness; apathy, disinterestedness,halfheartedness, indifference, lukewarmness,perfunctoriness; delay, dilatoriness, doubt, equivocation,hesitance, hesitancy, hesitation, reluctance, reservation,reticence, uncertainty, vacillation; disinclination,indisposition, recalcitrance, resistance, unwillingness;antipathy, averseness, aversion
After getting the driving licence, he agreed with alacrity to take me to the airport.